My name is Tomáš Dlouhý and I born at 1986.
Currently I am developer in Unicron systems. My prefered languages are PHP, Javascript/JQuery, Oracle/PLSQL and Java. Another I have experience with Delphi and Base SAS. I studied Software Technologies and Management in FEE CTU in Prague, but this remained unfinnished, bacause I started my career in IT. First job was PLSQL/PHP developer in Arbes Technologies. Later I worked for String Data as PLSQL developer and systems analyst. Very short chapter was company New Logic Studio as web developer. Details about my career you can find on my LinkedIn profile.
My hobbies are skiing and badminton. At university I played floorbal. During high school studies and primary and secondary school I flew with rocket models and gained Junior Europe Championship 2003 in category S4 (boost glider model) gold medal. Earlier I played computer games, this hobby remains when I have time. Sometimes I write my PHP framework WNC (this site is using it), sometime I write texts for this site. Passive hobbies is watching formula one in tv, but one race in yearI visits personaly. Next passive hobby is cheering ice hockey team Slavia Prague.
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