WNC reorganization has touched every part of him. Libraries starting and ending each module. The main component (but now optional) is a blog that is used to write articles, which introduces a number of innovations. These may include support for password lockout document, evaluate the possibility of article (karma) improved comments etc. Another module is a file manager (greatly expanded) and from rising photogallery. It is now also support multiple databases and so WNC works only on mysql but also for postgresql. In the future it is planned to support such. Sqlite or oracle. Certainly please redesigned and easier and easier to guide the first start (setup.php). The Administration Center is as already mentioned a completely redesigned and brings a lot of novelties such as administration meta data files in the file manager (can change the name, description, icon, folder add a password). The new version also supports fashion gallery display. Administration Centre can upload files. It brings significant changes to the Analytics module. The new module is a record of events Eventlog. Configuring WNC also acquired a new friendlier appearance. Still it preserves the original configuration option in the tab key. Among the newcomers can not forget the support pages stored in the database, and therefore does not require the presence of a file or module somewhere in the directory structure of the server. You then use the same table as blog posts and thus support all features of a blog. Compared to the previous version (5.1) is also included in the public version of the module software like website uses tables to blog. For all three modules is poised to common administrative basis. This enhancement is important for another novelty - the promotion of writing your own modules. If the developer need to work with the table on blog posts can utilize shared administrative interface called wnc :: record.
This version is available by GPL v2. The current version is 5.2.