New year - new home •
New year - new home
wrote Tomáš Dlouhý • published 02.01.2016 23:18 • displayed 1529 x • score -20
No, really I did not changed hosting for this website. I am talking about my home in real life.

One year and half ago I bought new flat and wait to finish construction. Three weeks before end of year 2015 I finaly got keys and moved from Bukovno near Mladá Boleslav to Prague - Horní Měcholupy. Since first day I slept here. Only two rooms were ready: toilet and bathroom. Now I buying everything new equipment like kitchen, living room or bed room. New home looking fine. Flat is in Prague 15 and this is outskirt, but there is no so far to tube. About 6 minutes by bus to line "C" and 15 minutes to line "A". Travel to last line "B" takes little longer time, about 30 minutes. I can use train as well to "B" its faster but its not often connection. I visited nearest square called "Vernoské náměstí" where are all services I need. Banks, shops (24 hour small shopper, or supermarket finishes at 22pm), healt center and more. So its look as good place. It is not center but services are available.

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